October 29, 2023

We got a call this afternoon from one of the MFM doctors – the surgeon was called into an emergency surgery and our C-Section will need to be rescheduled. At this time, we don’t know when it will be rescheduled – they are hoping to just postpone it by 24 hours – which would be Halloween. I once again tried to push for November 1st, and she said they would discuss it in the morning when all the teams would be together as they work to readjust their schedules. 

We also called our cardiologist yesterday to ask for further clarification of the latest information she gave on Friday. It was nice to have the conversation with both Adam and I present, and with a better mindset that had some time to digest what we recently learned. She said she also learned the information on Friday and immediately grew concerned that we were not informed of this – especially since she was just learning about it herself. We really wanted to know why the change in plan because we are really concerned David will not make it through the cath procedure, and hoped that we would have time to make some difficult decisions if he ended up on ecmo. She said she wasn’t really sure exactly the reason for the change in plan, but after several discussions with the surgeon she believes it is likely due to the nutmeg lung and how it affects the lymphatic system. They do not want to open his chest because the draining of the fluid will be unmanageable and likely cause more pain and suffering for the baby. 

Oh, one final piece of information (since we’ve been asked several times now). Baby David will be delivered at M Health Fairview Masonic Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis. He’ll be on 3rd floor, and I’ll be on 7th floor. I’m grateful to be in the same hospital as him since I will be able to visit him without being discharged. 

3 thoughts on “October 29, 2023

  1. Prayers continue for David, Parents and siblings. Prayers also for the medical team that they use their knowledge to do the best for David.

  2. Jess, my prayers for you, Adam, Eli and Anna — and especially David. Prayers for the medical team. Sending love and hugs your way. ❤

  3. I could feel the strength of the prayer that went up from the choir last night. You are all loved and supported in prayer. God is with you, David, every step of the way.

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