No major updates again today. Once again David’s NG tube came out. The nurse was hopeful that the team would be fine with that, but alas, it needed to be replaced. However, today after it came out, David has finished each of his bottles and has even taken all of his medications orally. We’ll ask tomorrow what it will take for him to not need it to go home because it would be so nice to not have to worry about that coming out after we leave the hospital.
Otherwise, some final things that need to be wrapped up before he can come home is he needs to pass his car seat test. Based on the distance we live from the hospital, it sounds like he has to sit in the seat for an hour and not have any issues maintaining his oxygen saturations. David also needs to have his newborn hearing test since he hasn’t done that yet. We are getting very close and excited to have everyone at home!
Eli seems to be doing much better. He has a lingering cough that isn’t near as bad as it was before. However, Anna’s cough and running nose has me a little concerned it could postpone our homecoming. Yet, we’d much rather have David coming home to a not sick environment. Due to Eli’s recent illness, David did have a respiratory panel done today and all of his tests came back as negative. That means at this point Eli’s germs have not gotten to David.
Great update